Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks for Drugs

I am noticing some trends in my writing. One of the trends is that I thank God and express gratitude. Right now is another one of those times. I am so incredibly grateful to pharmaceutical companies. Yes, those big, bad pharmaceutical companies that a lot of us vilianize at times. They are not perfect, of course. They spend lavish amounts of money on food and drinks, getaways for their staff or for physicians. And these are among other faults. But what profession or what group of people doesn't have faults? As long as I could reap the benefits--as I and most of the rest of society does now-- I would take all of their faults in a heartbeat. The Seroquel and the Lexapro and the Xanax that I have used through out the course of my depression in these past few years have been Godsends. They have given me hope and life and peace. Not total, but enough that I have my life back. And for that I will be forever grateful. Thank you to physicians, nurses, researchers, CEOs, pharmaceutical sales managers, and all of the persons who work for and with the pharaceutical companies to provide life-saving medications. I owe so much of my life to you. So many of us do. So, thank you.

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