Sunday, January 9, 2011

My First 'My Healing Blog'

 This is a blog about a mom healing from depression.  It is about a mom who loves her young son more than anything in the world; has a wonderful, supportive husband; a good career, and loving friends.  This blog is about me. 
Let me start by saying that I never thought I would be 'the type of person' who has depression.  I would have never said that out loud.  I would have never even thought that I would believe that type of statement.  But, not until I had depression, did I realize that I believed this myth.  Sure, I had a strong family history of depression.  And, I would have told others that depression or mental illness can happen to anyone.  After all, I worked as a counselor and helped people cope with this type of thing.  But I, never in a million years, thought that it would happen to me.  Nor did I ever believe that depression could be this bad.  This powerful,....this debilitating, .....this......well......depressing.
And here I am, trying just one more thing to help get through this fog of depression.  I have tried medications, therapy, more therapy, supplements, exercise, healthy eating, drinking water, more medications, prayer and spiritual healing, massage, distraction, church, yoga, talking to friends, a psychiatrist.  I have tried so much, and so much has actually helped me.  But, I am still not quite myself yet, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I have been secretly thinking that blogging is the answer. 
The last thing I want is for this to be another page on the Internet that tells all about the horrors of depression that convinces people they will never get better.  I don't believe that.  I have gotten better, and I believe you can too.  I want this blog to be real enough to capture the devastation of depression.  But, I also want anyone and everyone who reads this to understand that there are always more treatment options or coping options out there.  With enough patience, determination, and hard work, every single person with depression can and will get better and become whole again.  And maybe even more whole than ever before.
My wholeness has came from God.  It sounds cheesy, I know.  Another thing I never thought is that I would be 'the type of person' who put God first, a WWJD bracelet-wearing person, or someone who tries to convince others to follow God.  But I find myself loving and knowing God more and more every day, and thanking Him for the many miracles I have experienced in my life. 
I am getting there.  I am so close to healing.  It's coming....I know.  Please pray for me, and let me know if I can pray for you too.
Thank you for reading My Healing Blog.  Here's to hoping it accomplishes it's goal!

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